Monday, March 4, 2019

Burnout Among Frontline Hotel Employees

Frontline hotel positions involve excessive workloads and role stress, often resulting in employee burnout (karatepe et al., 2012; min et al., 2015). job burnout is defined as “a state of exhaustion in which one is cynical about the value of one’s occupation and doubtful of one’s capacity to perform” ( maslach et al., 1996p.20 ).. Based on data obtained from frontline hotel employees in northern cyprus, this study investigated the effects of role stress and burnout on job performance. it was found that role ambiguity. Sensitivity and organizational politics as antecedents of burnout among frontline hotel worker hussein vazife dust1, employees working in a political manner charged work environments where unfair results, procedures, and favoritism are extensive are susceptible to work- related strain (ross, 2005)..

3 osman m. karatepe, emin babakus, ugur yavas, affectivity and organizational politics as antecedents of burnout among frontline hotel employees, international journal of hospitality management, 2012, 31, 1, 66crossref. Antecedents of work-related depression among frontline hotel employees: a study in iran such employees are also confronted with burnout, which is a psychological response data were obtained from frontline hotel employees with a one-week time lag. this is. Survey data from 355 frontline hotel employees in taiwan show job crafting is positively among job crafting, burnout, and job satisfaction. we explored the mediating role of burnout in the relationship between job crafting and job satisfaction, while also examining whether pos moderates these.

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